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Fun Personality Quizzes:

Take a personality quiz, and share the results with your friends. I made these years ago, hope you enjoy them. (You don’t have to register or give up an email address to view results or anything lame like that.)

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Star Trek Personality QuizFind out which Star Trek Character matches your personality.

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Blifaloo Sees AllWhat does blifaloo know about you? A Blifaloo classic, one of the original features of this site.

We are working on more quizzes and personality tests, so be sure to check back often. Are you a personality quiz creator, and want to publish your quiz on Blifaloo? us.

More Fun Quizzes

These are not my own quizzes, but passed the test of temporarily relieving my boredom. So, I share them with you:

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Zombie Survival Test – Give your stats, then take this ultimate zombie survival knowledge quiz to calculate your chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse.

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The Impossible Quiz (2) – Hundreds of brain-twisting questions. Think way outside the box to get to the end.


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