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Online Games, Optical illusions, fun quizzes and much more
Yo, banana boy!* Choose an activity to temporarily eliminate boredom:
We want you to be smart. No really. Please be smart. Exercise your brain with the following exercises, puzzles and riddles:
If you don’t know what a REBUS is, you might want to visit our first REBUS here.
Want to test your knowledge about mixed drinks? Try our Alcoholic Drink Ingredients Quiz 2025.
Or maybe you want to know a little bit more about rivers with our World Rivers Quiz 2025. Or world capitals with our World Capitals Quiz 2025.
And how about our Optical Illusions page?
*This is an example of a palindrome (see below)
Computer Quick Tips:
Resize multiple photos quick & easy
ImageResizer.exe Download, Run. Next time you select more photos you can right-click and see a “Resize Pictures” option. It’s fast and easy!
Common Sense isn’t Common:
Myth: Ice cubes can cool your pool. Fact: Take your pool’s volume in gallons and divide by 1000. Multiply that number by the amount of degrees you would like to cool your pool water. Multiply that number by 44. That will tell you approximately how many pounds of ice you need to add.
Odds and Ends:
What is Moore’s Law?
Moore’s Law is a prediction stating the processing power of the computer chip will double every eighteen months. Gordon Moore, co-founder of the Intel Corporation observed this pattern in 1965 and the “Law” has held it’s credibility until present time. Most scientists expect Moore’s law to stand until about 2025.
Q: Where did the term “computer bug” come from?
A: We don’t know for sure, but it predates computers. It is related to the words “bugaboo” and “bugbear. Thomas Edison famously used the word “bug” in the 1870s in reference to some unknown force such as an insect interfering with one of his telephone inventions.
Top 10s
Top 10 Religious Beliefs by followers in 2025
1. Christianity 2,400,000,000
2. Islam 2,000,000,000
3. Hinduism 1,200,000,000
4. Buddhism 500,000,000
5. Folk Religion 400,000,000
6. Shintoism 100,000,000
7. Taoism 12,000,000 – 173,000,000
8. Voodoo 60,000,000
9. Sikhism 25,000,000 – 30,000,000
10. Judaism 14,700,000
Source: Wikipedia
Countries With Largest Defense Budgets in 2025
1. US 761,681,000,000
2. China 230,000,000
3. Russia 82,600,000
4. India 54,200,000
5. Germany 52,332,500,000
6. Australia 52,162,000,000
7. United Kingdom 50,235,456,000
8. Saudi Arabia 46,000,000,000
9. France 45,943,325,500
10. South Korea 42,100,000,000
Source: globalfirepower
Now give Blifaloo’s World Capitals Quiz 2025 a try.
Countries with Highest Life Expectancy in 2025
1. Monaco 87.01
2. Hong Kong 85.83
3. Macau 85.51
4. Japan 84.95
5. Liechtenstein 84.77
6. Switzerland 84.38
7. Singapore 84.27
8. Italy 84.20
9. Vatican City 84.16
10. South Korea 84.14
Source: World Population Review
Cute Riddles (answers at the bottom of the page)
- A rancher had 16 cattle all but nine died, how many did he have left?
- How many months have 30 days in them?
- There are 10 green socks, and 8 blue socks mixed up in a drawer. What is the least number of socks you can pull out (without looking) and be certain of getting a matching pair.
Palindromes. Read them both ways.
1. A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!;
2. A Santa dog lived as a devil god at NASA.
3. Sit on a potato pan, Otis.
4. Dammit, I’m mad!
5. Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog.
7. Yo! Banana boy!
8. Step on no pets.
9. Madam in Eden, I’m Adam.
10. Was it a car or a cat I saw?
11. As I pee, sir, I see Pisa.
12. Now, sir, a war is won.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” – Unknown
Answers to Cute Riddles
1. Nine
2. Four (April, June, September, November
3. Three (Worst case the first two would be a green and a blue, the third making a pair.)