April Fool’s Day Pranks
Or Prank Ideas for Any Day
Here are a few fun pranks you can play on family, friends or co-workers. If you have a good prank you would like to share with the rest of Blifaloo.com’s readers, feel free to email them for inclusion by using our contact form.
Update 2012: I’ve also included some great prank videos to inspire, along with links to pranking gadgets, plus recommended books and links. Enjoy!
Featured Prank: Desktop Fun Prank 
This works best on someone without much computer knowledge. If you know of someone who is constantly talking about how stupid their PC is, or always seem to be lucky enough to get the newest virus before anyone else…this trick is for them.
You will need:
– Access to their computer – Ability to take screenshots, change desktop wallpaper, and other basic computer skills (my five year old can do these)
How this prank works:
You take a screenshot of someone’s desktop (with or without apps running or photoshopping “enhancements”), than place that image as their desktop wallpaper. If you are decent with using photoshop or another graphic editing program you could open up the image file that the person is using for there desktop and use some of your creative genius to make something extra special.
Other ideas: make a “windows warning” box that says something confusing /devastating to someone not familiar with the technical aspects of Windows. Like: “Warning… Unable to mount drive… Ram will implode in 4 minutes”.
You need to clean off a persons desktop… this will probably be easier than getting the icons to line up correctly later. Grab everything (or almost everything) off the desktop and stick them in a new folder titled “desk_backup” or another name you will remember. Place this folder in the corner of the desktop, or somewhere else.
If you know how to hide a folder and “un hide” it later, you could do that too. Just don’t loose that folder 😉 Make the “Start” bar inaccessible as well, by choosing the option to “hide” it. (Even better: move it to the side or the top of the screen, then “hide” it).
Now you set your prank desktop as the person’s wallpaper, and wait for them to try and figure it out.
Classic Pranks – Oldies but goodies: 
– Clear plastic wrap across the toilet. (under the seat cover, but on top of the bowl). Perfect for the annoying person in your residence who always makes it to the bathroom first every morning.
– For a sleeping roommate: Place shaving cream in their palms, tickle their nose with a feather, and then watch out.
– For the person who has to put salt on everything: loosen the salt shaker cap so that when it is poured, the cap will just fall off. (works with pepper and sugar too).
Prank Gadgets
Want to get a little more technical with your pranks? Check out these nifty gadgets (links go to Amazon.com)
This device for under $20 is sure to bring laughs for you, and confusion to your victim:
Attach this evil prank device to your victim’s computer and it makes random mouse movements and types out odd garbage text and phrases.
Geeky pranking — perfect for the office.
Control volume, change the channel or turn the TV on and off — all stealthy-like.
Imagine the fun with this at a party, sports bar, or the lounge at the doctor’s office.
The mini TV Remote works on 90% of all TV’s.
This is my favorite pranking gadget:
Select one of the three sound choices and push the switch to the on position. Place it in a proper hiding spot and let the “fun” begin.
The Annoy-a-tron generates a short (but very annoying, hence the name) beep every few minutes. Your unsuspecting target will have a hard time ‘timing’ the location of the sound because the beeps will vary in intervals ranging from 2 to 8 minutes.
Prank Videos:
5 Easy Prank Ideas:
10 Best Scare Prank Clips:
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