Eye Direction and Lying – Comment Archive
Since first posting this article, we’ve received a HUGE amount of reader feedback and their own experiments with lie detection techniques. Below you’ll find those comments.
View Original Article: Eye Direction and Lying
By: Amanda – April 18th 2009 omg! it actually works!!! i tried it on my sister and she did all of them!! this is soo cool 🙂 thanks!
By: Eric – April 09th 2009 When I kiss my lady she often looks to the left…Ac. What do you think is going on?
By: NoDFs – February 14th 2009 This is real interesting. come on.
By: kasey – February 06th 2009 i have tried this many times and i actually use it to avoid getting caught lying. it comes in hand quite often. 🙂
By: Person – January 20th 2009 Wow i learned something new 2day
By: Simon – presentations training UK – December 30th, 2008 Given that they made up a lot of the stuff for NLP I’m inclined to assume this is bull**** as well. In any case, all one needs to do to screw the system up is make up lies in advance then recall ‘e
By: Obviously A Liar – November 17th 2008 Wow these tricks work on like everyone. *even parents*
By: IcanRead – February 03rd 2006 It’s right if you read the description: “When asked a question a “normally organized” right-handed person looks (from your viewpoint, looking at them):”
By: gillian – February 02nd 2006 is it just me or are the eyes in those diagrams backward? like when you ask some one some thing like as it says above and their eyes go to the right, is it their right or ours? could you clear this
By: NoN – January 29th 2006 Eye access cues aren’t rigid. A person’s EAC will change depending on circumstance and other factors. You must calibrate to them by asking questions and noticing overall patterns for that case.
By: Nikki – January 28th 2006 I tried this on a child with ADD who is a little hyper and fidgety. I couldn’t tell one way or the other because those eyes were all over! He also needed something to hold. Use with caution and pray
By: Chill PhD – January 27th 2006 The core of studies suggest an average person has a 55% rate of detecting lies… Denying this theory outright is like denying the brain is divided. The important thing is measured judgement in use.
By: widget – January 13th 2006 I am left handed and use my Right hand to write. I tested this on myself I was get mixed results, but was closer to the left handed person. Yet to test on my sister who also uses both hands.
By: Professional Liar – January 12th 2006 I tried this on all my friends and it worked! This theory is awesome.
By: themikeuno – January 11th 2006 Eye contact and movements are generally culturally specific and individual. Have you ever known someone who wouldn’t look anyone in the eye? This information is the product of pseudoscience.
By: themikeuno – January 11th 2006 Eye contact and movements are generally culturally specific and individual. Have you ever known someone who wouldn’t look anyone in the eye? This information is the product of pseudoscience.
By: Randy McBrayer – January 11th 2006 my girlfriend was left handed but was taught to write w/ her right hand, how do I use the visual access quest in this case?
By: wildrose – January 10th 2006 this does not account for levels of individuality!
By: tabitha – January 07th 2006 what do you do if the person is left and right handed?
By: joy – January 05th 2006 I meant it hurts to look right I get my sides mixed up
By: joy – January 05th 2006 it hurts to look left, but I’m not always honest
By: lili – January 04th 2006 I have this book (frogs into princes). Fascinating! Though I have never tested the theory…
By: jarhead – January 04th 2006 this should be helpful in my interigations
By: Truthful – January 03rd 2006 I’m a bit shy. When I’m talking to people I tend to look away randomly. Question or not. Usually I look at something that i have subconsciously picked before hand. This method does work on some. not
By: David – January 03rd 2006 I am soo surprised this method works.
By: Lieseeker – January 03rd 2006 Ther e is no truth to this “technique,” which was taken from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (a sham “science”). Read more at www.lieseeker.com.
By: credence – December 31st 2005 I tried this and it worked my boy friend lied about looking at other girls buts i tested it by asking him and he looked left.
By: Giana – December 30th 2005 so so so so true !! i LOVE this WEBSITE!! 🙂
By: Austin – December 28th 2005 I tried this and it worked!
By: flavorflave – December 27th 2005 no t a blink but flutter of eye lids usually along with eye movement also a quiver in the lower lip and or mouth area
By: interagator – December 20th 2005 when dealing with any situation it is always important to realize there are also the half truths to contend with as well-look at both sides-make sense?
By: Norm – December 16th 2005 Only an amateur thinks they can tell if someone is lying this way – as there are many variations of “normally organized” right-handed person . In NLP this is called cross wiring.
By: Marsha – December 15th 2005 I really like that eyes and lying thing. It’s cool, I’ll be watching my Grandad now! : )
By: Jennifer Marie Juliot – December 11th 2005 Wow, it really is true that’s amazing 🙂 i
By: stacey – December 11th 2005 I am teaching myself to write with my left hand as well as my right hand.
By: Ariane – December 10th 2005 I look someone right in the face when I lie. Straight face, no movement of the eyes.
By: KimberlyJene – December 08th 2005 h mm I think I will try this out on a few people, I don’t think it would work on me though, I’m a really good liar.
By: Matt – December 06th 2005 So….is this related only to children…not adults?
By: Stephanie – December 04th 2005 Cool Article !!Thanks!!
By: debra – December 02nd 2005 I am ambidextrous. I bet these folks think I am the biggest liar who ever existed. �~
By: cary – December 02nd 2005 When asked a question a “normally organized” right-handed person looks (from your viewpoint, looking at them): It’s YOUR left and right… it says in the directions
By: marc – December 01st 2005 Their left/right or MY left/right? I was expecting Theirs, but the pictures show otherwise. Like, WTF mate?
By: Mike – December 01st 2005 An interesting side note is this: Noone knows why, but this method of lie detection simply does not work on the Basque people of northern spain. I know that sounds stupid, but it’s true.
By: Julie – December 01st 2005 It looks as if the face is looking the opposite way as the verbal description.
By: – November 30th 2005 hey tired eye guy, looks like your mouse clicking finger has become over active to compensate….
By: – November 30th 2005 Blokker- Usually if a person is aware of what is being done, they will be much more inclined to respond as expected. Consciously trying to override an uncosncious response iis extremely difficult.
By: PlacitasRoy – November 30th 2005 I ‘ve heard NLP called many things but never a cult. It is a collection of powerful techniques that lead to remarkable results.
By: HoboJoe – November 30th 2005 I like the smiley face 🙂
By: yourmom – November 30th 2005 I am ambidextrous, so I guess this doesn’t work on me.
By: Raymond – November 30th 2005 I have what is commonly called “tired eye” and when I lie my eyes tend to rotate around the sockets ending with me looking cross-eyed. Damn! I can never get away with a lie.
By: Raymond – November 30th 2005 I have what is commonly called “tired eye” and when I lie my eyes tend to rotate around the sockets ending with me looking cross-eyed. Damn! I can never get away with a lie.
By: Deception Researcher – November 29th 2005 I study lying and deception (and teach multiple courses on the topic). These movements are correlated with deception. However, both the hit rate and the false alarm rates are near 50%.
By: jeff – November 29th 2005 NLP is a collection of theories. Some “motivation speakers” have turned the theories almost into a cult… but don’t discount the original texts by Bandler and Grinder because of what has become of them.
By: anon – November 29th 2005 Sure buy the book. Maybe you can learn something about lies. NLP is a cult.
By: Mark – November 29th 2005 anon: true, true. But as always with online articles, you need to do more research to get the full picture. The suggest book is a good starting point, though expensive.
By: Sureshot – November 29th 2005 Matth ew, I love how you call something a pseudo science, without backing it up. This DOES work, give it a try. But, honestly, it’s just common sense, and like anything, you have to learn how to use the method to see how viable it is. In my own research done for a school science project, I was able to tell if people were recalling an remembered or made-up visual with over 85% accuracy.
By: Matthew – November 28th 2005 Speaki ng of lies, I should point out that nobody in the neurosciences takes NLP seriously. It’s like Scientology.
By: anon – November 28th 2005 Before sending your kid to bed without supper for ‘lying’,remember that looking to the left is also what we do when recalling a very recent memory. Do your homework! R Bandler
By: Blokker – November 28th 2005 The eye movements only work unconsciously. So if someone is conscious that you’re watching for which way their eyes move, it won’t work. It only works if you’re doing it covertly.
By: Aquatic – November 28th 2005 A study was done on this at Oregon State University in 1997. It was found that in this only worked for approx 65% of people. That is only a 15% increase over flipping a coin! Mildly useful at best.
By: Bendu – November 28th 2005 The pictures are from you looking at the person you are looking at. This generally works for most people. People that believe the lie or people that lie more than tell the truth will pass this test
By: JW – November 28th 2005 Note the left and the right on the images. Left on the images is left for you, but right for the drawed person. So when I try this out, does the liar look left when you say left, or right?
By: Goobar – November 25th 2005 I think the highest sound possible makes people think “high” and then they look up. Also ask lowest sound possible and see what happens.
By: Hi – November 25th 2005 The first few worked with me, but the think of the highest sound possiblemone, I looked straight up
By: BuNniE – November 24th 2005 SARAH!! You are an absolute idiot. the article clearly indicates that it “sort of” works. it even says that it would be “foolish” to use this to make a snap judgment 2 c if a person is lying or no
By: Angel – November 24th 2005 That’s why you should compare it to their base behavior. If they always look down, then it doesn’t mean anything that they’re looking down.
By: kicker – November 23rd 2005 Sarah, did you not read? it doesn’t claim to be 100% accurate!
By: THE GIRL – November 22nd 2005 i’ll try it ,but i usually know when my friends are lying….it could work on someone i don’t know that well..yeah i guess i’ll try it the very chance i get
By: phil – November 22nd 2005 Go ahead and test it before saying it is or isn’t true. It works A LOT of the time. The article said it’s not 100% accurate so quit moaning without giving it a shot!
By: Sarah – November 22nd 2005 This is so untrue. I personally know on of the top deception researchers in the world, and people need to learn that you just cant tell when someone you know is lying. Your chances are 20% at best.
By: Lizzie – November 22nd 2005 This is a little boring but cool…..it actually works!!
By: charran – November 22nd 2005 I took some NLP training before and we went over this. It does work but it is important to ask a person that can determine which way he moves his eyes first when he accesses information
By: Jess – November 22nd 2005 This is a great way to cure your temporary boredom. You just want to get up and test people to see whether or not it’s true. Im so printing this out, haha
By: jess n danielle – November 22nd 2005 this was soo neat! we did it on everyone in our cla ss and it worked almost everytime! WOW! Moowahahahahaha, now i can rule the world!
By: rangler2 – November 22nd 2005 This is rediculous. Asians, American Indians,(most) look down when spoken to,out of respect. So this only applies to certain types of people. What you got to say about that??
By: Mylie – November 22nd 2005 Well I tried this on some mentally handicaped persons, and it didn’t work.I think different cultures have different ways of eye movement. For instance.Asians,native Americans look down, when talking.
By: me – November 22nd 2005 what about a lefthandedn person?
By: Luckoskill – November 22nd 2005 huu hahahahaha…. it works.. it works…… finally .. ive found a way to make money… ( btw I play poker.. 🙂 and it cost me about 50 bucks to understand… now.. im trying to master this.. :)) )
By: A friend – November 22nd 2005 dang… now were was that tape of Bush saying that they know sadam had WMDs?
By: happi – November 21st 2005 Tried this on my boyfriend without telling him what the experiment was about. Worked on him almost 95% of the time. Now I know when he is lying..moohahaha.
By: Blifaloo – November 20th 2005 Awesome Salam, thanks for posting your results!
By: Salam – November 20th 2005 I tested it on 15 friends: Result is 1. 85% signs fouds in 7 persons 2. 50% sings found in 4 persons 3. Less then 45% found in 4 person
By: papa – November 19th 2005 I have used this on my son for a few years now. His mother can never understand how I know when he is lieing. This explained it a little better than I could though.
By: tina – November 19th 2005 Finally! I have been looking for something that explained this online forever@!
By: d3lilley – June 15th 2009 sorry about my last comment, the link didn’t seem to show up. ill try it again. ****.humanliedetection*** *
By: d3lilley – June 15th 2009 For some reason these eye patterns were reversed when i tested them. When I followed the eye patterns at ********.humanliedetectio n**** I got better results. But great article!
By: Amanda – April 18th 2009 omg! it actually works!!! i tried it on my sister and she did all of them!! this is soo cool 🙂 thanks!
By: Eric – April 09th 2009 When I kiss my lady she often looks to the left…Ac. What do you think is going on?
By: NoDFs – February 14th 2009 This is real interesting. come on.
By: kasey – February 06th 2009 i have tried this many times and i actually use it to avoid getting caught lying. it comes in hand quite often. 🙂
By: Person – January 20th 2009 Wow i learned something new 2day
By: Simon – presentations training UK – December 30th 2008 Given that they made up a lot of the stuff for NLP I’m inclined to assume this is bull**** as well. In any case, all one needs to do to screw the system up is make up lies in advance then recall ‘e
By: Obviously A Liar – November 17th 2008 Wow these tricks work on like everyone. *even parents*
By: IcanRead – February 03rd 2006 It’s right if you read the description: “When asked a question a “normally organized” right-handed person looks (from your viewpoint, looking at them):”
By: gillian – February 02nd 2006 is it just me or are the eyes in thoes diagrams backwards? like when you ask some one some thing like as it says abouve and their eyes go to the right, is it their right or ours? could you clear this
By: NoN – January 29th 2006 Eye access cues aren’t rigid. A person’s EAC will change depending on circumstance and other factors. You must calibrate to them by asking questions and noticing overall patterns for that case.
By: Nikki – January 28th 2006 I tried this on a child with ADD who is a little hyper and fidgety. I couldn’t tell one way or the other because those eyes were all over! He also needed something to hold. Use with caution and pray
By: Chill PhD – January 27th 2006 The core of studies suggest an average person has a 55% rate of detecting lies… Denying this theory outright is like denying the brain is divided. The important thing is measured judgement in use.
By: widget – January 13th 2006 I am left handed and use my Right hand to write. I tested this on myself I was get mixed results, but was closer to the left handed person. Yet to test on my sister who also uses both hands.
By: Professional Liar – January 12th 2006 I tried this on all my friends and it worked! This theory is awesome.
By: themikeuno – January 11th 2006 Eye contact and movements are generally culturally specific and individual. Have you ever known someone who wouldn’t look anyone in the eye? This information is the product of pseudoscience.
By: themikeuno – January 11th 2006 Eye contact and movements are generally culturally specific and individual. Have you ever known someone who wouldn’t look anyone in the eye? This information is the product of pseudoscience.
By: Randy McBrayer – January 11th 2006 my girlfriend was left handed but was taught to write w/ her right hand, how do I use the visual access ques in this case?
By: wildrose – January 10th 2006 this does not account for levels of individuality!
By: tabitha – January 07th 2006 what do you do if the person is left and right handed?
By: joy – January 05th 2006 imeant it hurts to look right i get my sides mixed up
By: joy – January 05th 2006 it hurts to look left, but i’m not always honest
By: lili – January 04th 2006 i have this book (frogs into princes). Fascinating! Though I have never tested the theory…
By: jarhead – January 04th 2006 this should be helpful in my interrogations
By: Truthful – January 03rd 2006 I’m a bit shy. When I’m talking to people I tend to look away randomly. Question or not. Usually I look at something that i have subconciously picked before hand. This method does work on some. not
By: David – January 03rd 2006 I am soo surprised this method works.
By: Lieseeker – January 03rd 2006 Ther e is no truth to this “technique,” which was taken from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (a sham “science”). Read more at www.lieseeker.com.
By: credence – December 31st 2005 I tried this and it worked my boy friend lied about looking at other girls buts i tested it by asking him and he looked left.
By: Giana – December 30th 2005 so so so so true !! i LOVE this WEBSITE!! 🙂
By: Austin – December 28th 2005 I tried this and it worked!
By: flavorflave – December 27th 2005 no t a blink but flutter of eye lids usually along with eye movement also a quiver in the lower lip and or mouth area
By: interagator – December 20th 2005 wh en dealing with any situation it is always imortant to realize there are also the half truths to contend with as well-look at both sides-make sense?
By: Norm – December 16th 2005 Only an amateur thinks they can tell if someone is lying this way – as there are many variations of “normally organized” right-handed person . In NLP this is called cross wiring.
By: Marsha – December 15th 2005 I really like that eyes and lying thing. It’s cool, I’ll be watching my Grandad now! : )
By: Jennifer Marie Juliot – December 11th 2005 Wow , it really is true thats amazing 🙂 i
By: stacey – December 11th 2005 i am teaching myself to write with my left hand as well as my right hand.
By: Ariane – December 10th 2005 I look someone right in the face when I lie. Straight face, no movement of the eyes.
By: KimberlyJene – December 08th 2005 h mm i think i will try this out on a few people, i dont think it would work on me though, I’m a really good liar.
By: Matt – December 06th 2005 So….is this related only to children…not adults?
By: Stephanie – December 04th 2005 Cool Article !!Thanks!!
By: debra – December 02nd 2005 I am ambidextrious. I bet these folks think I am the biggest liar whoever existed. �~
By: cary – December 02nd 2005 When asked a question a “normally organized” right-handed person looks (from your viewpoint, looking at them): It’s YOUR left and right… it says in the directions
By: marc – December 01st 2005 Their left/right or MY left/right? I was expecting Theirs, but the pictures show otherwise. Like, WTF mate?
By: Mike – December 01st 2005 An interesting side note is this: Noone knows why, but this method of lie detection simply does not work on the Basque people of northern spain. I know that sounds stupid, but it’s true.
By: Julie – December 01st 2005 It looks as if the face is looking the opposite way as the verbal description.
By: – November 30th 2005 hey tired eye guy, looks like your mouse clicking finger has become over active to compensate….
By: – November 30th 2005 Blokker- Usually if a person is aware of what is being done, they will be much more inclined to respond as expected. Consciously trying to override an uncosncious response iis extremely difficult.
By: PlacitasRoy – November 30th 2005 I ‘ve heard NLP called many things but never a cult. It is a collection of powerful techniques that lead to remarkable results.
By: HoboJoe – November 30th 2005 I like the smiley face 🙂
By: yourmom – November 30th 2005 i am ambidecstrious, so i guess this doesnt work on me.
By: Raymond – November 30th 2005 I have what is commonly called “tired eye” and when I lie my eyes tend to rotate around the sockets ending with me looking cross-eyed. Damn! I can never get away with a lie.
By: Raymond – November 30th 2005 I have what is commonly called “tired eye” and when I lie my eyes tend to rotate around the sockets ending with me looking cross-eyed. Damn! I can never get away with a lie.
By: Deception Researcher – November 29th 2005 I study lying and deception (and teach multiple courses on the topic). These movements are correlated with decption. However, both the hit rate and the false alarm rates are near 50%.
By: jeff – November 29th 2005 NLP is a collection of theories. Some “motivation speakers” have turned the theories almost into a cult… but don’t discount the original texts by Bandler and Grinder because of what has become of them.
By: anon – November 29th 2005 Sure buy the book. Maybe you can learn something about lies. NLP is a cult.
By: Mark – November 29th 2005 anon: true, true. But as always with online articles, you need to do more research to get the full picture. The suggest book is a good starting point, though expensive.
By: Sureshot – November 29th 2005 Matth ew, I love how you call something a pseudo science, without backing it up. This DOES work, give it a try. But, honestly, it’s just common sense, and like anything, you have to learn how to use the method to see how viable it is. In my own research done for a school science project, I was able to tell if people where recalling an remembered or made-up visual with over 85% accuracy.
By: Matthew – November 28th 2005 Speaki ng of lies, I should point out that nobody in the neurosciences takes NLP seriously. It’s like Scientology.
By: anon – November 28th 2005 Before sending your kid to bed without supper for ‘lying’,remember that looking to the left is also what we do when recalling a very recent memory. Do your homework! R Bandler
By: Blokker – November 28th 2005 The eye movements only work unconsciously. So if someone is conscious that you’re watching for which way their eyes move, it wont work. It only works if you’re doing it covertly.
By: Aquatic – November 28th 2005 A study was done on this at Oregon State University in 1997. It was found that in this only worked for approx 65% of people. That is only a 15% increase over flipping a coin! Mildly useful at best.
By: Bendu – November 28th 2005 The pictures are from you looking at the person you are looking at. This generally works on most people. People that believe the lie or people that lie more than tell the truth will pass this test
By: JW – November 28th 2005 Note the left and the right on the images. Left on the images is left for you, but right for the drawed person. So when I try this out, does the liar look left when you say left, or right?
By: Goobar – November 25th 2005 I think the highest sound possible makes people think “high” and then they look up. Also ask lowest sound possible and see what happens.
By: Hi – November 25th 2005 The first few worked with me, but the think of the highest sound possiblemone, I looked strait up
By: BuNniE – November 24th 2005 SARAH!! You are an absolute idiot. the article clearly indicates that it “sort of” works. it even says that it would be “foolish” to use this to make a snap judgment 2 c if a person is lying or no
By: Angel – November 24th 2005 That’s why you should compare it to their base behaviour. If they always look down, then it doesn’t mean anything that they’re looking down.
By: kicker – November 23rd 2005 Sarah, did you not read? it doesn’t claim to be 100% accurate!
By: THE GIRL – November 22nd 2005 i’ll try it ,but i usually know when my friends are lying….it could work on someone i dont know that well..yeah i guess i’ll try it the very chance i get
By: phil – November 22nd 2005 Go ahead and test it before saying it is or isn’t true. It works A LOT of the time. The article said it’s not 100% accurate so quit moaning without giving it a shot!
By: Sarah – November 22nd 2005 This is so untrue. I personally know on of the top deception researchers in the world, and people need to learn that you just cant tell when someone you know is lying. Your chances are 20% at best.
By: Lizzie – November 22nd 2005 This is a little boring but cool…..it actually works!!
By: charran – November 22nd 2005 I took some NLP training before and we went over this. It does work but it is important to ask a person that can determine which way he moves his eyes first when he accesses information
By: Jess – November 22nd 2005 This is a great way to cure your temporary boredom. You just want to get up and test people to see whether or not it’s true. Im so printing this out, haha
By: jess n danielle – November 22nd 2005 this was soo neat! we did it on everyone in our cla ss and it worked almost everytime! WOW! Moowahahahahaha, now i can rule the world!
By: rangler2 – November 22nd 2005 This is rediculous. Asians, American Indians,(most) look down when spoken to,out of respect. So this only applies to certain types of people. What you got to say about that??
By: Mylie – November 22nd 2005 Well I tried this on some mentally handicaped persons, and it didn’t work.I think different cultures have different ways of eye movement. For instance.Asians,native Americans look down, when talking.
By: me – November 22nd 2005 what about a lefthandedn person?
By: Luckoskill – November 22nd 2005 huu hahahahaha…. it works.. it works…… finally .. ive found a way to make money… ( btw I play poker.. 🙂 and it cost me about 50 bucks to understand… now.. im trying to master this.. :)) )
By: A friend – November 22nd 2005 dang… now were was that tape of Bush saying that they know sadam had WMDs?
By: happi – November 21st 2005 Tried this on my boyfriend without telling him what the experiment was about. Worked on him almost 95% of the time. Now I know when he is lying..moohahaha.
By: Blifaloo – November 20th 2005 Awesome Salam, thanks for posting your results!
By: Salam – November 20th 2005 I tested it on 15 friends: Reult is 1. 85% signs fouds in 7 persons 2. 50% sings found in 4 persons 3. Less then 45% found in 4 person
By: papa – November 19th 2005 I have used this on my son for a few years now. His mother can never understand how I know when he is lieing. This explained it a little better than I could though.
By: tina – November 19th 2005 Finally! I have been looking for something that explained this online forever@!
By: Blifaloo – November 19th 2005 Add your comments or questions about this article.
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